

She dashed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Her mother saw her wide eyed. Unknown to the source of her ego. She grumbles to herself, "A total waste of a daughter, does nothing to help me, nothing that isn't for her benefit. Living a hollow life. In our days, parents used to hold a place higher than the almighty." Here stands the problem. Those were her days and now, days have changed. The lone soul walks down the street, alone. The street is poorly lit by fluctuating street lights, street dogs circling around dark corners of the road. The sky is dark, as if trying to conceal its darkest secrets. She is sure her mother would still be sitting at home, cursing her. As tears start to cloud up her vision, she starts speaking to herself. "All my life, I have been doing everything I could for them. I have scored well for them, I have greeted random uncles and aunts that I don't even recognise, I have dressed up the way they think I should, I have always


17. A peculiar age, to be honest. Infinite dreams, possibilities and prospects spread along the horizons. But, in India, we as kids are considered to be wise enough to choose the right path on our own. My question is "Are we really wise enough to choose a path, that must be walked upon for the rest of our lives?" How much do we even know about life? Children feel passionate about engineering and end up doing an MBA later on to enhance their earning capacity. End result? They might be millionaires but far off from their passion. Who once wanted to sit and make machines and appliances, sits and manages the finances and costs of a company. Wise enough? We, as 17 year olds dont even know ourselves what we want our lives to be like 10 years from now. And so, we make mistakes. Yes, we all do. Is it okay to make mistakes? What if you enter a field and feel it isn't as cool as you supposed it to be? What if you want to switch midway? Is it okay? I did it. I changed m


The greatest satire of human existence is that we all constantly strive to reach the top. Now my point here is, if you really want to climb the ladders up to the top, won't you get tired on the way? I mean, come on guys. WE ALL CONSTANTLY STRIVE TO CROSS ALL DIFFICULTIES OF LIFE. But when we finally have to face them, we break down. We lose our confidence, our motivation and things like that. hypocrisy is more like the life line of humans, isn't it? For an instance... DAY ONE: "I am strong enough to fight all circumstances." DAY TWO:"Man, these exams, they are getting on my nerves." DAY THREE:"I feel like I have reached my limit." DAY FOUR:"I give up." We say we are strong but don't have the stamina to defeat problems. Who are we lying to? Others, Or ourselves? I am not here to talk about how hypocrite we are. Even I am one of you, after all. :| I am here to place a mirror in front of you all. I mean, cut the crap


Leave me alone, I say today, But back then, I wanted you with me. You left me alone in the grey, Now, I want you to just let me be. When I begged you to stay, You only saw your own greed. Now, when I have settled with this array, You want me to forgive your misdeeds. I waited for you long enough, Though, you never had time to pay attention. Now when I think you're nothing more than a buff, You crave for complete retention. We are family, I tried to remind you, I cried, I screamed, I begged. But you only focused on what you wanted to do, Because of you, my life is so messed. Yes, I miss you, I admit. You do hold a place in my heart. But I am no more affected by it. I think, we are better off, apart. I was initially hurt, Used to cry in the middle of the night. Now, I am firmly alert, Not to let myself fall weak on your sight. I wish you had a better sense of what's right, But after all the times when you were missed, I have overcome all my plight, And today you stand as the re


I feel a grip around me. A power gripping me. I feel like I have lost grip on myself, and somebody else has gotten his grip on me. THIS IS A COMMON ADVICE TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON READING THIS. Accept people the way they are. Be it your parents, your siblings, your better half or your friends. JUST ACCEPT THEM. Hold them as close to yourself as possible. NOBODY IS PERFECT. Everybody has their flaws. You can change people's habits, their cravings, their addictions, but not their nature. If you already know how a person is and you still choose to be with them, then you have to live with them. You absolutely have no rights to fight with them for their nature when you choose to be with them despite knowing their flaws. Let's not talk about others. Let's talk about you. How perfect are you? Go stand in front of the mirror. Are you perfect? Your hair, your eyes, your physique, your everything? If yes, then close your eyes and introspect. Look inside yourself. Do


You know that feeling when you can't even hold it in for another second? When you want to shut yourself inside your room or maybe a place even tinier? I know what it feels like, too. I have been there, done that. And even though most people would tell you not to hide away, but trust me people, I feel the best way is to hide from the world. Not because you're a coward. No! We humans are social beings. We need each other just like the land needs the sky. They might not meet, they might not go well with each other but that's how they are set. They have to face each other and live with each other. You may shut yourself in and may be even happy about it for a while but eventually you'll start missing motion. Yes, motion! Life is directly equivalent to motion, isn't it? How odd would you yourself feel if there's a world and there is everything you want but no sign of life except you? See, it's good to be alone and create your own world, but while we